Open access features
HPC RIVR is designed as a national open access infrastructure. It is based on the outlines of the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures.
Open access to public scientific research infrastructures and infrastructures that are mainly used or managed by public educational and scientific research organisations is a key component of the European strategy for the promotion of open science and open innovation.
As part of the HPC RIVR consortium and in collaboration with the SLING consortium, the operational group for open access lays down criteria and procedures for obtaining access as well as the priorities of using HPC RIVR resources. The operational group for open access consists of HPC RIVR operational administrators who are appointed by the Management Board of the consortium upon proposal from partners. A SLING representative can be a member as well. Open access for users and groups to HPC RIVR infrastructure is based on separate steps of verification and access credentials. The allocation of time-limited resources, such as processor and disk capacities of supercomputing resources is subject to different priorities. We use virtualized services and disk arrays.
According to the open access principle, when publishing and using results obtained with use of HPC RIVR supercomputer infrastructure, users and research groups are obliged to state appropriate acknowledgement and the HPC system used. Please choose appropriate acknowledgement text from the list below.
HPC Maister
The authors gratefully acknowledge the HPC RIVR* consortium ( for funding this research by providing computing resources of the HPC system MAISTER at the University of Maribor (
HPC Trdina
The authors gratefully acknowledge the HPC RIVR* consortium ( for funding this research by providing computing resources of the HPC system TRDINA at the Faculty of Information Studies (
HPC Vega
The authors gratefully acknowledge the HPC RIVR* consortium ( for funding this research by providing computing resources of the HPC system VEGA at the Institute of Information Science (
*Upgrading national research infrastructures – HPC RIVR ”The investment co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, European Regional Development Fund, implemented under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014 – 2020″